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Increase muscle strength and ability to perform daily activity

While it is essential for breast cancer survivors to rebuild their muscles, there are also contradictory effects on their arm lymphedema.   Read the safety guidelines below thoroughly and choose the best suitable exercise for you.

At the end of the training lesson, learners will be able to

  • understand how resistance exercise strengthens muscles

  • apply safety guidelines to exercise plan

  • adopt an alternative exercise way to my availability in daily living 


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  • Having good flexibility and strength in these areas will help. 

  • A belt, towel, or dog leash around can work to help the ball of your feet old if you don't have a band. 

  • Keep your back and knee straight, and relax your ankle.

  • This video introduces three types of stretches and strengthens using a band to relieve neuropathic pain. 

  • Do 10 minutes each time twice daily. 


  • The majority of your workout may consist of multijoint movements, so strengthen on multi-joint areas. 

  • Use a dumbbell or food can that you can lift for eight to 10 repetitions.

  • Chris Howard, a strength-and-conditioning coach suggested starting with three days of strength training per week, allowing at least 48 hours of recovery between workouts that target the same muscle groups. 

  •  The slowly increased weight lifting could increase muscle strength among breast cancer survivors and help them avoid frailty and maintain physical function. Weightlifting was safe for breast cancer survivors who had or were at risk of lymphedema.  

  • This study recommends you to start with very lightweight.

  • lifting cans instead of dumbbells 8 to 10 times a day can be ideal if you can't go to gym.

FAR EXERCISE GUIDE is a website and iOS/Android app to provide exercise options and an exercise plan builder for those who are in breast cancer survivorship. This is also a graduate project at Learning Design and Technology at the University of Hawaii. 

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