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Help regulate weight and blood sugar level

Survivors of breast cancer, who are post-menopausal, have a higher chance of gaining weight while undergoing chemotherapy and hormone therapy. But YOU are not going to give up. There is a way to prevent and control it.

At the end of aerobic training lesson, learners will be able to:

  • apply safety guidelines to my exercise plan. 

  • choose what aerobic training is suitable for my condition.

  • apply simple exercise tips my daily activities

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  • Try to walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace of 15-minutes-per-mile speed.

  • Start walking at an Easy Pace for 1 to 3 minutes: walking warm-up stretches and warm-up period keep at an easy pace to help get your blood flowing and facilitates your walking posture.

  • Speed up to a Brisk Pace for 20 Minutes: Your feet will follow the same speed as your arms.

  • Cool Down for 1 to 3 Minutes: Finish your walk by slowing to an easy pace.

  • Zumba is an intense and physically demanding exercise that you may need a doctor's health clearance.

  • It usually lasts between 60-90 minutes each time, but you can cut off time up to 30 minutes depending on your condition.

  • Typically instructors start with a very short warm-up.

  • If the Zumba classes don’t get your heart rate up and you don’t feel challenged, you may increase your exercise amount to see a more significant difference on your weight.

  • Ask your doctor if you have osteoporosis or join problem before starting it.

  • According to the British Rope Skipping Association, 10 minutes of skipping can have the same health benefits as a 45-minute run. 

  • Even jumping at a very moderate rate burns 10 to 16 calories a minute. Work your jump rope exercise into three 10-minute rounds and you're looking at 480 calories in half an hour. 

  • The medium impact of jumping rope increases bone density, but isn’t as hard on your joints as running because the impact of each jump is absorbed by both legs.

FAR EXERCISE GUIDE is a website and iOS/Android app to provide exercise options and an exercise plan builder for those who are in breast cancer survivorship. This is also a graduate project at Learning Design and Technology at the University of Hawaii. 

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